Search results for: ""Sha'atnez""

Attire: Sha'atnez: Sheep Wool with Linen
You may not wear clothing made by combing/felting, spinning, and/or twisting/weaving lamb's or sheep's wool with linen. You may also not wear a garment made of two pieces—one wool and one linen—that have been sewn together. Even one thread of wool or linen with the other material is forbidden (there is not batel in 1/60th for sha'atnez).
Note The acronym sha'atnez stands for shu'a, tuvi, nuz—three steps in processing wool and linen fibers.
Introduction to Forbidden Mixtures/Kilayim
The limits of kilayim keep:
  • Individual creations true to themselves, in the way they were created by God, and
  • Different, or opposing, spiritual forces governing creation in their own places and within their own bounds.
In the holiness of the Tabernacle or Temple, where opposites were peaceably and constructively resolved, kilayim in the form of sha'atnez was not only permitted but formed the foundation of all main tapestries and two of the High Priest's garments.
Note The Shulchan Aruch lists over 120 halachot pertaining to kilayim in planting!
Kilayim-type laws apply today to:
  • Animals (not yoking an ox and donkey together; not interbreeding, say, a horse and a donkey to produce a mule),
  • Food (not eating milk with meat),
  • Clothing - not wearing a garment made of a mixture of linen and wool (sha'atnez), and
  • Plants (interplanting, interbreeding, and grafting different species).
    Note Vineyards in Eretz Yisrael may only be near fruit trees if:
    1. A wall divides fruit tree and vineyard, OR
    2. The vineyard is not a bona fide vineyard. A bona fide vineyard has at least 5 grapevines in at least two rows, with at least two vines in one row and three in the other.