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How To Do Motzi and Matza
The seder leader says the blessing “ha'motzi” while holding the three (which are now 2 1/2) shmura matzas, drops the bottom one, and says the next blessing, al achilat matza.  Everyone takes a small piece from the two top matzas and eats it, along with enough additional shmura matza to fulfill the minimum requirement.
How Much Matza To Eat
Motzi, Matza
For motzi and matza together, you must eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of matza within a 4-minute period from when you begin eating.

For afikoman, you must eat another 1.9 fl. oz of matzab'di'avad, at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) is sufficient. 
Note This amount is about 1/2 of a machine shmura matza, or 1/3 of a hand shmura matza
Note If your mouth is too dry to eat that quickly, you may drink water with the matza.
Which Foods HaMotzi Covers
Ha'motzi always covers all food eaten as part of a meal, except wine and any non-mezonot desserts such as fruit, on all days (not just on Shabbat or Jewish festivals).
Speaking after HaMotzi
If someone said ha'motzi for you, you may not speak until after you have eaten some of the bread--any amount is sufficient.
HaMotzi: Forgot To Wash
Situation You said ha'motzi without having washed your hands first.
What To Do Up until the time you say birkat ha'mazon, you must interrupt your meal and wash your hands. 
Note Say al netilat yadayim ONLY if you will still eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread afterward; if you will eat less than 1.9 fl. oz., wash without a blessing.
HaMotzi: Washing Hands: Procedure
To wash for ha'motzi, use the One-Time Method, see How To Wash Hands the One-Time Method.
Eating or Speaking after HaMotzi
If someone said ha'motzi for you, you should wait until he or she eats some of the challa before you eat.
Note This is an issue of respect and courtesy (derech eretz) and not a halachic issue. However, you may not speak until after you have eaten some of the bread--any amount is sufficient.
HaMotzi: When To Lift the Bread
When saying ha'motzi, lift the bread when saying God's name. This is a non-binding custom, not a halacha.
Washing Your Hands for Interrupted Meal
Situation You said ha'motzi, ate any amount of bread, interrupted your meal and forgot about it, and now wish to resume your meal and eat more bread.
What To Do Wash your hands again and say the blessing on washing hands.
Note There is no time limit for this; whenever you forget about the meal, you must rewash before eating more bread. However, you do not say ha'motzi if it is within the allowed time to say birkat ha'mazon.
Sukkot: Blessings: Forgetting Leisheiv BaSukka
If you washed hands, said ha'motzi, and ate some bread in a sukka but forgot to say the blessing leisheiv ba'sukka, you may still say that blessing until you have finished your meal; but you should eat at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) more of bread (within 4 minutes) after saying leisheiv ba'sukka.
Mark the Challa
Mark the bread with a light cut before saying ha'motzi. Then make the real cut in the same place.
Note It is customary to just make a mark on the challa. You may cut almost all of the way through, but you must be able to pick up the bread by the small end and have it hold up the big end.
Why Two Blessings over Matza
We say two blessings over the matza: ha'motzi lechem min ha'aretz and al achilat matza.
Reason The blessing on motzi is one of enjoyment (nehenin); the blessing on matza is a blessing on a commandment (mitzva).
Fore-Blessing: Cooked Dough/Pasta
Bread must be baked in order to say ha'motzi on it ; dough that was cooked by any method other than baking (such as pasta) gets the fore-blessing of borei minei mezonot
Note Even if you eat enough to constitute a meal, you still say al ha'michya afterward.
How To Wash for HaMotzi
To view all halachot related to washing for ha'motzi, see HaMotzi: Washing Hands.