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Hallel at Night at Passover Seder
There are many opinions as to why we read hallel at night: most are related either to praising God for saving the Jewish people or to accompanying the Passover sacrifice in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Hallel Divided at Seder
At the seder, hallel is divided into two parts. The first two psalms, read before the meal, deal with the exodus from Egypt. The remaining psalms, read after the meal, concern other miracles and the future of the Jewish nation.
Hallel after Ma'ariv
People who have the custom of saying hallel after ma'ariv on the first night of Passover also say hallel on the second night (outside of Eretz Yisrael).
Saying Hallel with a Minyan
When saying half- and full Hallel:
  • It is preferable to say half-hallel with a minyan.
  • You do not need to say full hallel with a minyan.
Chanuka: Hallel on Rosh Chodesh
When Chanuka coincides with Rosh Chodesh, say full hallel (as is done on all days of Chanuka, instead of the "half-hallel" that is said on Rosh Chodesh).
Lulav: Hallel at Home or in Synagogue
Ideally, take your lulav and etrog to synagogue and say hallel with the minyanB'di'avad, it is OK to say hallel and the blessings and wave the lulav at home.
Shortened Hallel on Seventh Day of Passover
We omit parts of two of hallel's psalms on chol ha'moed and the seventh (and eighth) day(s) of Passover.
Reason The Egyptians drowned on the seventh day. We thus dampen our celebration of God's saving us because we feel sorry that people had to die, even though they were evil.
Note Since chol ha'moed is less important than the final days of Passover, we diminish hallel on chol ha'moed by omitting the same passages.
Hodu in Hallel
In hallel, the congregation repeats the line “Hodu…” after each of the four lines that the prayer leader says.  Then the congregation says the next line before the prayer leader says it.
Note The congregation does not say the line "Hodu... before the leader first says it.
Timing of Hallel and Musaf
You may say hallel and musaf until sunset.
Order of Prayers with Hallel
To say hallel on Shabbat and Jewish festivals:
  • You do not need to say full hallel immediately after shacharit.
  • You may say musaf and/or hallel after mincha.
  • Once it is time for mincha, you must say mincha before saying musaf or hallel (if you have not said musaf or hallel yet).
Tefilin: Chol HaMoed: Remove before Hallel
Remove tefilin before hallel on chol ha'moed.
Exception On chol ha'moed Pesach, on the day when tefilin are read about (kadeish li…), many people keep tefilin on until after the Torah has been read.
Lulav: How To Wave During Hallel
Wave the lulav in all six directions each time when saying Hodu l'Adonai… and, later, Ana Adonaiand again in the final Hodu in Hallel:
  • Hold together the lulav and etrog during the entire procedure, pitom up, etrog in left hand.
  • At each word in Hodu l'Adonai and at each syllable in Ana Adonai, shake the lulav/etrog together three times, advancing through the sequence of east, south, west, north, up, down.
For Hodu l'Adonai:
  • At Hodu, shake three times to the east;
  • At l'Adonai, don't shake but hold the lulav and etrog up while standing straight;
  • At ki, shake three times to the south, etc..
For Ana Adonai,
  • At “A,” shake three times to the east;
  • At “na, shake three times to the south;
  • At Adonai, stand straight and hold the lulav and etrog up;
  • At “ho,” shake three times to the west;
  • At “shi,” shake three times to the north, etc.
Women: Singing with Men or When Men Present
Rabbi Heinemann's view is that women should not sing zmirot, Hallel, songs in the Hagada, and other prayers with men or when men are present, but he notes that there are other major opinions that say it is permitted.
Blessings: For Someone Else: Mitzva/Birchot Mitzva
You may say any blessing on a mitzva—such as kiddush, hallel, Torah—for another person, even if you have already fulfilled the mitzva for yourself, as long as that other person is required to do that mitzva.
Example Girls (12 years old and more) and women must fulfill all of the positive commandments of Shabbat including kiddush.  So even after they have already said kiddush for themselves, they may say kiddush for other Jews, including adult men.
Exception You may not say birkat ha'mazon for someone else.