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Matza Brei Blessing
The blessing on matza brei is mezonot, as long as the pieces of matza are smaller than 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) each. If even one of the pieces is larger than 1.3 fl. oz., wash your hands and say ha'motzi before eating it.
Matza: Meaning
Matza represents:
  • Food of poor people, and
  • The unleavened bread that the Israelites ate when leaving Egypt.
Note A pun reflects this dual meaning of poor bread plus the story of leaving Egypt, since “lechem oni” may mean “bread of poor people” or “bread of (many) answers.”
Matza (Unopened)
Kosher for Passover matza in unopened packages stays kosher for Passover and may be used in subsequent years.
Matza (Oat)
There is no question that oat matza properly made and supervised according to Jewish law is kosher for eating on Passover.
Why Matza and Not Bread

Question: Why didn't the Israelites bake bread (the Torah says that they did not have time for the dough to rise)? They knew 14 days ahead of time (on Rosh Chodesh Nisan) that they would be leaving, and they knew it would be middle of night (since God said that is when they would leave).
Answer: The Israelites did not do anything to prepare, except what God told them to do: the Passover offering and putting blood on their doorposts.

Pesach, Matza, and Maror
Pesach, matza, and maror should be read and explained with special attention.
Reason They are the main parts of the seder and of the commandment to have a seder.
Yashan and Matza
Matza is normally made from winter wheat and so does not normally have a question of being chadash.
How Much Matza To Eat
Motzi, Matza
For motzi and matza together, you must eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of matza within a 4-minute period from when you begin eating.

For afikoman, you must eat another 1.9 fl. oz of matzab'di'avad, at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) is sufficient. 
Note This amount is about 1/2 of a machine shmura matza, or 1/3 of a hand shmura matza
Note If your mouth is too dry to eat that quickly, you may drink water with the matza.
Hand Shmura Matza or Machine Shmura Matza
Hand shmura matza has some advantage in that it was made with the intention of being for a mitzva, but machine shmura matza has the advantage of being less likely to become chametz since it is automated and not touched by human hands.
When Shmura Matza Is Necessary
The only time you must use shmura matza is for the four commandments of motzi, matza, koreich, and afikoman.
Note You may use any other kosher for Passover matza, even for the rest of seder. There is no need for using shmura matza for the other days of Passover.
When Eating Matza Is Obligatory
The only time when matza must be eaten to fulfill the commandment of eating matza is on seder night(s). There may be a mitzva to also eat matza on the other days of Passover (but there are conflicting opinions about that).
However, men must eat matza in order to fulfill the commandment of eating two meals a day on each of the festival days.
Koreich: How Much Matza To Eat
You need eat only 0.95 fl. oz. (28 ml) of matza within four minutes of beginning to eat it to fulfill the commandment of koreich.
Breaking the Middle Matza
Break the middle of the three matzas and hide the larger part.
Reason As with most of the actions we do at the seder, this is to evoke curiosity in children. It also represents the idea that poor people can't afford a whole loaf of bread or might save some food for the next day.
Introduction to Three Matzas (Matzot)
The seder table also has a stack of three matzas (matzot), representing, among other meanings:
  • Cohen-Levi-Yisrael:  The three divisions of Jews
  • Abraham-Isaac-Jacob:  The three forefathers
These matzot are used later in the seder for the steps of Motzi and Matza (top and middle matzas); the middle matza becomes the “Afikoman.”
Why Two Blessings over Matza
We say two blessings over the matza: ha'motzi lechem min ha'aretz and al achilat matza.
Reason The blessing on motzi is one of enjoyment (nehenin); the blessing on matza is a blessing on a commandment (mitzva).