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Jewish Festivals: Musaf: Additions for Sacrifices: Sukkot: In Eretz Yisrael
In Eretz Yisrael, read only the line for the actual (correct) day.
Note After the lines about the sacrifices, say u'minchatam v'niskeichem.  If you are outside of Eretz Yisrael, you will need to say u'minchatam v'niskeichem twice:
  • Say the line for the prior day's sacrifices and then say u'minchatam v'niskeichem.
  • Then say the line for the sacrifices for the day you are at and, again, say u'minchatam v'niskeichem.

Jewish Festivals: Musaf: Additions for Sacrifices: Sukkot: Outside Eretz Yisrael
Since two days of Jewish festival are observed outside of Eretz Yisrael, read the lines for the sacrifice for both days that might have been the correct day.
Exception On second day of Sukkot, repeat the same lines said on the first day.
Example On the 4th day of Sukkot (the 2nd day of chol ha'moed), say the lines for the 3rd day and 4th day. On Shimini Atzeret, say only the lines for Shmini Atzeret.
Jewish Festivals: Musaf: Additions for Sacrifices: Sukkot
In the amida of musaf for Sukkot, there is a different line added about the sacrifices for each day.
Birkat HaMazon on Musaf Days: Migdol or Magdil
Say migdol (yeshuot) on days when we say musaf (on other days, say magdil).
Timing of Hallel and Musaf
You may say hallel and musaf until sunset.
Yom Kippur: Bowing for Musaf Alenu
For how to bow at Yom Kippur Musaf Alenu, see Waist-Bowing and Knee-Bowing.
Rosh Hashana: Prayers: Special Bowing: Musaf
For special bowing during Rosh Hashana musaf, please see Waist-Bowing and Knee-Bowing.
Tefilin: Removing before Rosh Chodesh Musaf
Remove tefilin before musaf on Rosh Chodesh.
VaYanuchu Vah
Say va'yanuchuvah” in the Shabbat amida for all three prayer services plus musaf. Some prayer books have “vah” (in her) at night, “voh” (in him) for Saturday morning, and “vam” (in them) for Saturday afternoon.
Introduction to Amida Errors: Mashiv HaRuach
Saying the seasonal addition to the amida of mashiv ha'ruach… begins at musaf of Shmini Atzeret. The last time it is said is on the first day of Passover in musaf.
Talit Gadol: Married Men
Once a man has been married, he must wear a talit when saying shacharit and musaf, even if he becomes widowed or divorced.
Shabbat-Rosh Chodesh: Adding Ul'Chaparat Pasha
SITUATION It is Rosh Chodesh in a Jewish leap year.
Add “ul'chaparat pasha” to musaf—from Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan through and including the second month of Adar
REASON This blessing usually contains 12 requests--corresponding to the 12 months--and so in a leap year, we add ul'chaparat pasha for the 13th month.
NOTE Don't say ul'chaparat pasha on Rosh Chodesh Nisan or after that until the next Jewish leap year.
Order of Prayers with Hallel
To say hallel on Shabbat and Jewish festivals:
  • You do not need to say full hallel immediately after shacharit.
  • You may say musaf and/or hallel after mincha.
  • Once it is time for mincha, you must say mincha before saying musaf or hallel (if you have not said musaf or hallel yet).
Praying in a Kittel on Rosh Hashana
For those who have the custom of wearing a kittel on Rosh Hashana, the kittel is only worn for shacharit and musaf.
If Arrive Late on Shabbat or Jewish Festival Morning
If you are late to minyan on Shabbat (or Jewish festival) morning, say:
  • Shacharit while the minyan is saying the musaf amida (as long as it is not yet too late to say shacharit), and then say
  • Musaf while the reader is repeating the amida.