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Mikva in Nature: Source of Water
Spring water, whether moving or stationary, is a kosher mikva.
Rain water is only a kosher mikva once it is stationary (just sitting in a pool, not flowing anywhere).
In neither case may the water enter a constructed mikva through a "kli," which includes being carried in a bucket or via pipes with bends and other places for water to collect. In the case of a pipe that may not be a kli,  consult a rabbi.
Mikva in Nature: Measurements
A kosher mikva in nature:
  • Must be 40 se'ah (about 192 gallons);
  • Has no minimum depth;
  • May be murky or muddy (but must be such that a cow would drink it); and
  • May not drop in level more than 2 inches (3.1 cm) within 24 hours.
Mikva in Nature: Rabbinic Guidance
Rabbinic guidance is recommended when using a river, lake, or spring as a mikva due to:
  • Problems of mud, dirt, or sand, and
  • Difficulty in checking if the person is fully underwater,
  • It might not be a kosher mikva.
Note This section applies to the immersion of both utensils and people, since the same principles apply.
Impurity that Mikva Does Not Remove
Normally covered parts of the body always have some type of impurity, even after immersion, and a mikva does not remove that impurity.
Spring as Mikva
Springs are always kosher mikvas as long as the volume in the place of immersion is at least 40 se'ah (192 gallons).
Rainwater as Mikva
Rainwater only purifies when it is stationary.
Oceans as Mikva
All oceans and seas are kosher mikvas, but other salty water (defined as water that a cow would not drink) is not kosher for immersion.
Note A rabbi should be consulted before using an ocean for immersion since there are other issues involved.
Attire: Women's Blessings: Mikva
When women say blessings in the mikva, their bodies are covered by the water, which takes the place of clothing for that purpose.
Hot Springs as Mikva
Here are requirements for a hot spring as a mikva:
  1. The temperature may not be above 98° F.
  2. If the spring and immersing area are separate, any pipes used to bring water into the immersing area from the spring must be at least 3" in diameter. Consult a rabbi.
  3. The mikva area must contain at least 40 seah of the spring water.
  4. The mikva area must be hewn of rock or poured concrete, etc., but may not be prefabricated in one piece, like a hot tub.
  5. The water may not reach the mikva area via a pump.
Groom to the Mikva
The groom should immerse himself in a mikva on his wedding day. He may immerse in the ocean, but should not be alone while immersing.
Bride to the Mikva
The bride must go to the mikva before she may have relations with her husband.
Rivers as Kosher Mikva
Rivers are only kosher mikvas when spring-fed. A river is a kosher mikva if it exists year round (not like a wadi, which is frequently dry and only flows after rainfall).
Wedding Customs: Groom to Mikva
The groom goes to mikva on the wedding day.
Lakes or Ponds as Mikva
A lake or pond may be a kosher mikva if it is:
  • Fed from ground water (percolates through the soil); or
  • Primarily fed from a spring; or
  • Primarily fed from rain.
Note The rain must run into the lake or pond directly. If the water enters, or drains out, via pipes, it is not a kosher mikvaHowever, if the lake or pond gets rain from run-off from streets through pipes, it might be a kosher mikva. Consult a rabbi
Note A lake or pond that drains out through a river or stream may not be a kosher mikva. Consult a rabbi.
Note A lake or pond into which a river or stream empties, might be a kosher mikva. Consult a rabbi.
Note A lake or pond with a river running into it and then out of it is considered a river. For immersing in a river, see Rivers as Kosher Mikva.
Toveling: Utensils: Stickers
Before immersing a food utensil in a mikva, remove anything attached to its surfaces.
Situation A sticker or something similar is found on a plate or other utensil after tevila.
What to Do
  • If the sticker is less than half of the surface area and does not bother you by being there, the tevila is valid.
  • If the sticker interferes with your use of the utensil or if you just want it removed, it must be removed and the tevila must be repeated.