Charity to Local Jewish Causes

When giving charity, you should give at least 51\% of your donations to local Jewish charities, if there are any that need support. After that, donations to Israel have priority over donations to other locations.
Situation You have residences in more than one place (for example, you were assigned to work in a new place for a few years) and you need to know which location is to be considered your home for giving charity locally:
  1. If you kept your first residence and intend to return to it, even after a few years, that remains your halachic home for this purpose (even if you rent out that house to someone else).
  2. If you do not intend to return to your first residence and you moved to a second city where you earn money, give money to charities in that second city.
  3. If you made an investment while in that second city and received profits from it while living in a third city, donate to charities in that third city.
  4. If you donated to a foundation while in the second city but the funds were not distributed until you were in the third city, donate to charities in the third city.
Exception If you purchased an investment with money that you were supposed to give to charity, your donation should go to where you were when you earned the money from which you owed the charity.