Lulav: How To Wave During Hallel

Wave the lulav in all six directions each time when saying Hodu l'Adonai… and, later, Ana Adonaiand again in the final Hodu in Hallel:
  • Hold together the lulav and etrog during the entire procedure, pitom up, etrog in left hand.
  • At each word in Hodu l'Adonai and at each syllable in Ana Adonai, shake the lulav/etrog together three times, advancing through the sequence of east, south, west, north, up, down.
For Hodu l'Adonai:
  • At Hodu, shake three times to the east;
  • At l'Adonai, don't shake but hold the lulav and etrog up while standing straight;
  • At ki, shake three times to the south, etc..
For Ana Adonai,
  • At “A,” shake three times to the east;
  • At “na, shake three times to the south;
  • At Adonai, stand straight and hold the lulav and etrog up;
  • At “ho,” shake three times to the west;
  • At “shi,” shake three times to the north, etc.