Search results for: ""tephilin""

Tefilin: Fallen: Fast
If tefilin without their covers on fall onto the ground, the custom is to fast for one day. If the covers are on the tefilin, there is no custom to fast.
Tefilin: Broken Arm
Even with a broken arm, do not switch the arm on which you wrap your tefilin.
Note If your (normally) weaker arm becomes permanently stronger than the other arm, switch to wearing tefilin on the newly weaker arm.
Tefilin: Left-Handed Men
Left-handed men must put tefilin on their right arm.
Tefilin: Holiness: Switching Boxes by Mistake
If you inadvertently put the arm tefila (tefila shel yad) into the box for the tefila shel rosh, take it out and put it into its proper box.
Tefilin: Holiness: Head and Arm Tefilin Boxes
The box for holding the head tefila (tefila shel rosh) has a higher level of holiness than does the box for holding the arm tefila (tefila shel yad). You may not intentionally switch the boxes.
Tefilin: Torah Mitzva
Have in mind that you are doing a mitzva of the Torah while putting on tefilin.
Tefilin: First Day of Shiv'a
Mourners do not wear tefilin on the first day (the day of burial), but do wear them after the first day.
Concluding Tehilim with Yehi Ratzon of Refa'einu
If you say Psalms/tehilim for a sick person, you should conclude with the yehi ratzon that is sometimes added in shemoneh esrei in refa'einu.
Where Tefilin Must Be Black
Tefilin must be black as follows:
  • Tefilin must be black on all of the exposed surfaces, but not on the bases/bottoms.
  • Tefilin straps must be completely black on one surface.
When Tefilin Straps Become Holy
The straps on tefilin become holy objects once they have been used.
Tish'a B'Av: Tefilin
Tish'a b'Av is similar to the day of burial of a person and so tefilin are not worn in the morning. The afternoon has a lower level of mourning and so tefilin (and talit gadol) are worn at mincha.
When To Say Tehilim
Both genders may say tehilim at night without restriction on which tehilim may be said; they may be said all night (or day).
Value of Saying Tehilim
The main value of saying tehilim is not in saying the tehilim themselves, but in the prayer said AFTER saying the tehilim (for someone to get well, for employment, etc.). The saying of tehilim strengthens the prayer enormously.
Shacharit: Earliest Time for Blessings over Tefilin and Tzitzit
Earliest time to say blessings over tefilin and tzitzit/talit is mi'sheyakir (in New York, 36-40 minutes before sunrise).
Mezuza: Kissing: Custom
Kissing a mezuza (and tefilin) is not halacha but rather a custom to show our love for those mitzvot.