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Hachnasat Kalla for Women and Men
Hachnasat kalla also applies to a poor man who needs money to pay the expenses to get married.
Hachnasat Kalla for Women and Men
Hachnasat kalla also applies to a poor man who needs money to pay the expenses to get married.
Hachnasat Kalla for Women and Men

Hachnasat kalla also applies to a poor man who needs money to pay the expenses to get married.

Receiving the Ketuba
At a Jewish divorce, the ketuba is given back to the man or destroyed after he has paid the money he owes to his now-ex-wife, as written in the ketuba.
Wearing Hat for Prayer
For details on men's wearing a head covering for prayer, see Attire: Man's Head Covering for Prayers or Torah Study
How To Tear Kri'a
If you are in mourning for a parent, whether you are a man or woman, tear a vertical tear 4 inches (10.2 cm) long on your outermost garments (shirt and jacket, if you wear one) at the neck on the left side. The bulk of the tear must be made by hand, not with scissors or a knife, although you may start the tear with a sharp implement.
Saying VaYechulu with Others
Friday night, it is a nice custom for men to say va'yechulu with at least one other man. It is best (but not required) to say va'yechulu with the entire minyan.
Reason The idea is that we are attesting (with other people, as in a court) to God's having created the world.
Passover Chametz Search: Who May Search
One member of each house must search for any chametz (bedikat chametz) on behalf of the entire household. This may be a man, woman, or even a minor child, as long as he or she is sufficiently responsible to conduct the search in all of the details.
Shabbat: Candles: How To Do Blessing: Men
Here is the order for blessing over the Shabbat candles by men:
  • Say the blessing, and then
  • Light candles.
Note If a man accepts/starts Shabbat when he lights Shabbat candles, he should cover his eyes and say the blessing AFTER lighting, as women do. Otherwise, he does not need to cover his eyes when saying the blessing.
Chanuka: Candles: Lighting on Friday
On Friday of Chanuka, light Shabbat candles after Chanuka candles; at least one Chanuka candle must burn until at least 30 minutes after dark.
If a man forgets to light the Chanuka candles, he may still light them until sunset or until he says Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat, whichever comes earlier. 
But women start Shabbat when they light the Shabbat candles and so they may not light Chanuka candles after lighting Shabbat candles.
Kaddish: Who Should Say: Women
Women are not required to say kaddish, and it is not customary for them to do so.  But if they want to, it is best if at least one man says kaddish with the woman.
Attire: Women Wearing Men's Clothes
           A woman or girl may not wear men's clothes (begged ish), even:
  • if for a different purpose than what men use them for, and
  • if not for the purpose of looking like a man.
Shabbat: Candles: Lighting with Wrong Blessing
If you said the blessing for Jewish festival candles instead of for Shabbat candles:
  • Women may not correct themselves, but
  • Men may say the correct blessing and light the candles.
Note If the man has already lit the candles before realizing that he had said the incorrect blessing, he should:
  • Extinguish the candles,
  • Say the correct blessing, and then
  • Light again (assuming he has not yet started Shabbat and that it is not yet sunset).

Brit Mila: Choice of Sandak
Choose the greatest Jewish scholar (talmid chacham) in your town or city as sandak (person who holds the baby for the brit mila), since kabbala says it is a good omen for the boy's soul. A woman may be a sandeket but only if no suitable man is available.  If no Jewish man or woman is available, a non-Jewish person may serve as a sandak or sandeket.
Non-Intimate Contact between Men and Women
Non-intimate contact is permissible between men and women--even if the two people are related or have a close personal relationship (except a husband and wife when she is a nida).
  • Doctor and patient.
  • Massage therapist and patient.
  • Lifeguard and swimmer.
  • A Jewish man may catch a Jewish girl or woman on the flying trapeze.
    Reason This is not intimate contact.