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Shabbat: Kiddush: Requirements
To do Shabbat kiddush,
  • Say, or hear, the Shabbat kiddush blessings/segments, and
  • “Establish a meal” (kovei'a se'uda).
For details, see How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush  or How To Do Shabbat Daytime Kiddush.
NoteThere is never any requirement on an indvidual to drink kiddush wine (except at the Passover seder), but the kiddush wine must be drunk by one or more persons.
Passover Kiddush
Passover, like all Jewish festivals, is differentiated from weekdays by saying kiddush.
Ideal Kiddush Beverage: Wine/Grape Juice
Wine (or grape juice) is the ideal and proper beverage for kiddush (and havdala).
Reason It is considered to be a prestigious beverage.
Women: Making Kiddush
For women's obligation to make or hear Shabbat kiddush, see Shabbat: Kiddush: Who May Make.
Nine Days: Kiddush Levana
If you are not likely to see the moon on any of the days from the 10th to the 14th of Av, you may say kiddush levana during the Nine Days.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Making New Kiddush after Drinking Kiddush Wine
To say borei pri ha'gafen as a new kiddush on the same wine, you must add at least one drop of new wine to the cup, if you have drunk any of the wine directly from that cup.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Borei Pri HaGafen after Drinking Kiddush Wine and Hesech Da'at
If you said or heard the blessing borei pri ha'gafen, finished drinking had hesech da'at, and then want to make a new blessing over the remaining wine in the cup, see Borei Pri HaGafen: Saying Again.
Note Although you may say a new borei pri ha'gafen on wine (or grape juice) that you left off drinking and returned to finish after hesech da'at, you may do so only as a simple blessing, not as kiddush (for how to make kiddush on same wine, see next halacha).
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Drinking Kiddush Wine and then Drinking Later in Meal
If you drank any amount of kiddush wine (or grape juice), you do not say borei pri ha'gafen over wine or grape juice later in the meal (but you may have to say ha'tov v'ha'meitiv if the wine is better than the kiddush wine).
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Drinking Cheekful
As on Shabbat, the minimum total volume of Jewish festival kiddush beverage that must be drunk--usually by the kiddush-maker (mevareich) but it may even be several people combined--is a cheekful (m'lo lugmov)—considered to be 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) within 30 seconds.
Note If no one drinks the kiddush beverage, the commandment to say or hear kiddush has not been fulfilled. 
Note Although you must drink at least a cheekful to fulfill kiddush, you must drink at least 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) within 30 seconds in order to say the after-blessing.
Your Own Kiddush Cup
If you want to drink kiddush wine, you may either hold your own cup of wine (or grape juice) during kiddush or receive wine or grape juice from the kiddush leader's cup.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Challot for Kiddush
To use two challot for kiddush instead of wine:
  • Wash hands and say al netilat yadayim,
  • Say kiddush but substitute ha'motzi for borei pri ha'gafen; and, as soon as you finish saying kiddush,
  • Eat the bread as normal.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: If Not Enough Wine
If there is not enough wine (or grape juice) for Jewish festival (or Shabbat) kiddush and havdala:
  • Set aside the first cup for havdala.  Then, if there is one more cup,
  • Use it for the morning kiddush.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Diluting Wine
There is no need to dilute wine before drinking it.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: How High To Fill the Cup
Ideally, fill your kiddush cup to just above the rim, even if the cup is larger than 4 fl. oz. (119 ml). Don't make the cup overflow. 
Note If you did not fill the kiddush cup to the rim, it is still OK.
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Pour Revi'it
As on Shabbat, the minimum volume of kiddush beverage on which you may say Jewish festival kiddush (or havdala) is a revi'it:
  • 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) for d'oraita cases such as the first night of Jewish festivals (or Shabbat evening) kiddush, and
  • 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) for d'rabanan cases such Jewish festival lunch and evening/daytime meals on the second Jewish festival day (as well as kiddush for Shabbat lunch).