Search results for: ""She'hecheyanu""

SheHecheyanu: Acquisitions: When You May Say
You may say she'hecheyanu as long as you still feel the exhilaration of having or using the new item (ideally, say the blessing when you purchase the item or receive it as a gift.).
SheHecheyanu: House or Apartment
Say she'hecheyanu on a house, condominium, apartment, or other accommodation that you buy. Don't say she'hecheyanu on a house or apartment that you are renting.
Note If you are married (or living there with any other family members), say ha'tov v'ha'meitiv instead of she'hecheyanu.
SheHecheyanu and Attire
The only items of attire that get a she'hecheyanu blessing are those that are worn for enjoyment or importance.  These are both subjective: If you don't enjoy new clothes, don't say she'hecheyanu over them.
Note She'hecheyanu is not said on shoes.
Saying SheHecheyanu Allowed during Omer
You may say she'hecheyanu during sefirat ha'omer.  
Chanuka: Candles: SheHecheyanu on Later Days
Say she'hecheyanu the first time you light Chanuka candles each year:
  • Even if your first time is the second or subsequent nights.
  • Even if someone lit for you the previous night.
Sukkot: Blessings: SheHecheyanu
First Night: Say she'hecheyanu after saying leisheiv ba'sukka (in kiddush), since she'hecheyanu covers the sukka and the Jewish festival
Second Night: Say she'hecheyanu before leisheiv ba'sukka (since it only covers the Jewish festival itself).
Note There is no blessing on building a sukka; it is covered by the she'hecheyanu in the kiddush.
Introduction to SheHecheyanu: When Obligatory
Say she'hecheyanu for:
  • Acquisitions,
  • Jewish festivals, and
  • New fruits. 
Note You MUST say she'hecheyanu on Jewish festivals; saying she'hecheyanu on acquisitions is subjective and is only required if you enjoy the possession and it is new (for you) and valuable.
Chanuka: Synagogue Menora: SheHecheyanu in Synagogue
If you light the Chanuka menora in the synagogue on the first night of Chanuka, say she'hecheyanu in synagogue. When you go home, if you light only for yourself, do not say she'hecheyanu again. However, if you light for your wife or for any adults including children above the age of bar or bat mitzva, say she'hecheyanu again.
Passover: Ending Day(s): SheHecheyanu
Do not say she'hecheyanu when lighting candles or saying kiddush on the last two days of Passover outside of Eretz Yisrael or the last day of Passover in Eretz Yisrael.
Note These are the only Jewish festival days on which she'hecheyanu is not said.
Varieties of Fruit for SheHecheyanu
If one type of fruit has many varieties--such as navel oranges, Valencia oranges, kumquats, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits-- say she'hecheyanu on each type if the:
  • Trees have different leaves, OR
  • Taste differs from one another (taste must be noticeable to an average person). 
Note Since many fruits are often available year round, it may not be possible to ever say she'hecheyanu on those fruits.
On What To Say SheHecheyanu
Say she'hecheyanu on any item that you acquire through any of the following means, as long as the item gives you pleasure:
  • Gifts.
  • Purchases you made. 
  • Used items that you acquire.
Note If the item would be desirable or a luxury to other people, but it is not to you, or if it only has value to you as a useful item, do not say she'hecheyanu
NoteFrom Richard Aiken --I said she'hecheyanu on my scuba diving equipment and on my paragliders, the first time I used them.)
HaTov V'HaMeitiv or SheHecheyanu
Say ha'tov v'ha'meitiv instead of she'hecheyanu when two or more people benefit from or enjoy something. 
  • If your wife or husband will enjoy and use the new item too.
  • When wine is already on the table and a second bottle of wine that is as good as, or better than, the first bottle is brought to the table (and more than one person will drink that second bottle of wine).
Note When two or more people are eating a new fruit that is in season, each person says the blessings al pri ha'eitz and then she'hechaynu (and not ha'tov v'hameitiv).
Borei Pri Ha'Eitz or SheHecheyanu First
Steps for saying she'hecheyanu on a new fruit:
  • Say borei pri ha'eitz first, then
  • Say she'hecheyanu, then
  • (Cut and) Eat it.
Items on Which Men Say SheHecheyanu
Men say she'hecheyanu on a new talit. Do not say she'hecheyanu on tefilin.
Items on Which Women Say SheHecheyanu
Women say she'hecheyanu on:
  • Engagement rings but not on wedding rings.
  • Valuable candlesticks.